A Better Brooklyn Home
July 23, 2014
Colombian Film Festival
August 29, 2014I’ve always believed in the power of thought — of positive thinking. I believe we can affect change in ourselves and others through positive thoughts and words. This is the essence of my spirituality and, while I honor some of the religious traditions of my childhood, I have found that, as an adult, I wanted a wider approach to spirituality. I found what I was looking for in the Unity Center of Manhattan where everyone is welcomed regardless of age, race, culture, lifestyle or belief.
At Unity, I found a community of individuals where creative thought and ideas are just as important as service to others. They call this the “Law of Mind Action” which means to “take personal responsibility to choose life affirming thoughts, words and actions” to experience life on a more fulfilling level — tapping into the abundance of life. We each have many paths to choose in life, many ways in which to worship, and opportunities to explore. Unity gives me a sense of belonging and purpose while I navigate and experience
For more information about Unity, go to http://www.unityofnewyork.org